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User roles and Access levels of WordPress

This is a brief summary of roles within WordPress and what each role allows you to do or have access to:

  1. Super admin

A user with super admin access can do everything on a WordPress website. This is the highest level of access. On a multi-site installation where a single WordPress installation manages many sub-sites, a super admin has access to the Network Administration Panel which allows them to administer all sites. You should only have one or two super admin’s on a site.

  1. Admin

On a single-site WordPress installation (which describes most WordPress sites) the administrator role is the same as super admin. It gives a user access to everything. On a multi-site installation, the administrator has admin access to a single site whereas the super admin provides access to the network admin panel. As with super admin, administrator roles should only be assigned to one or two administrators who absolutely need this access level.

  1. Editor

An Editor can publish posts and pages and can also manage posts and pages published by other authors. They have the ability to create and save draft posts and pages and also publish.

  1. Author

An author can publish their own posts and pages, but can not manage or publish posts or pages belonging to others.

  1. Contributor

With Contributor access, a user can create draft posts and pages but can not publish them. This is a useful role for guest posters on your site. You can give a guest poster Contributor access, they can create a draft, and you can then review the post with a higher level of access and publish it when you are ready.

  1. Subscriber

This is the role with the lowest access level in WordPress. When you have “Anyone can register” enabled under WordPress Settings > General, new users that register will have Subscriber level access. (This setting is off by default) A Subscriber can manage their own profile and they can also post comments (if you have comments enabled) as a signed-in user.

The below table show all the users and what are their capabilities on your WordPress website.